Thursday 4 April 2013

Faerie Glens

When I was in Scotland, I got to visit a couple of faerie glens. Very interesting...

The first was at Cloody Wells. This was an interesting experience. Traditionally people leave offerings for faeries so that their wishes are granted. In Cloody Wells, people left all sorts of un-traditional offerings. These included socks (not a pair, just one sock), t-shirts, bandanas, and panties. The "offerings" are hung all over the branches of the trees in the glen.

"Offerings" at the Cloody Wells Faerie Glen

The second faerie glen was a bit more "normal". It was near the western coast of the Isle of Skye. This one had a faerie castle that visitors can hike up to the top. Also, the "offerings" were more traditional: coins, jewelry, trinkets.
Faerie Castle Ewen, Glen Uig, Isle of Skye

Traditional "offerings"

If you get a chance, it is very interesting to visit Scotland - go see the faerie glens! Make an offering and a wish!


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